
Empowering Futures: Celebrating the Resilience of Bailey  Jade Dexter

Unveiling the Stars of Tomorrow: Meet Our Top Scholarship Recipient

Believe in Me, a beacon of hope and catalyst for change, is proud to announce its scholarship recipients for this year, exemplifying our unwavering commitment to nurturing the dreams and ambitions of marginalized youth. Among our shining examples is Bailey Dexter, an embodiment of resilience, ambition, and hope. Bailey’s story is one of overcoming adversity and aspiring to give back to the community that raised her. With a scholarship score of 98.33, she stands out as our top recipient this year, a testament to her hard work, dedication, and bright future.

Beating the Odds for a Dream in Medicine

Bailey Jade Dexter, 18, has embarked on a remarkable journey as a first-generation college student, with challenges that few can truly comprehend. Raised in a family grappling with poverty, Bailey has also navigated the multifaceted experience of being multiracial. Additionally, she has overcome significant personal hurdles, including her parents’ divorce and the ensuing instability that this event introduced into her life. Despite these hurdles, Bailey has emerged with a clear vision for her future: to pursue a career in plastic surgery, focusing on providing accessible healthcare to those in low-income communities.


This vision was inspired by her own experiences growing up in Hillyard, where she witnessed firsthand the disparities in healthcare accessibility. Her academic journey is marked by excellence, with a GPA of 3.75 and participation in advanced courses, including seven AP classes and a special science program called Project Lead The Way. Bailey’s dedication extends beyond academics, as evidenced by her active involvement in dance, softball, and leadership roles within her school and community. Her commitment to her studies and extracurricular activities illustrates her multifaceted talents and unwavering perseverance.


A Vision for Transforming Healthcare


Bailey’s aspiration to attend Gonzaga University and eventually medical school to specialize in plastic surgery is driven by a desire to help individuals lead healthier, happier lives. Her compassionate goal is to ensure that families dealing with medical conditions like cleft palates can focus on care rather than costs. This noble ambition highlights her understanding of the profound impact medical professionals can have on their communities, particularly those underserved.

Bailey Dexter

Recognizing Bailey’s Leadership and Grit

The recommendations Bailey received for this scholarship further illuminate her character and potential. From academic to personal endorsements, Bailey is lauded for her grit, leadership, and the positive influence she has on those around her. One particularly poignant quote from her personal recommendation, penned by Amanda Belote, head coach of the John R. Dance Team, encapsulates Bailey’s essence: “She’s very driven and has a clear vision of her future. She has always prioritized anything that will help her gain the tools to get her onto the path she plans to take. She has had some setbacks in her high school career but refocuses and gets back on track.”

Supporting Dreams Against All Odds

Believe in Me is more than a foundation; it’s a promise to support and uplift those who have faced undue challenges yet strive to make a difference in the world. Bailey Dexter embodies this promise. Her journey is a beacon of hope as she persevered from facing personal and financial hardships to striving for a career combining her passion for science and her desire to serve others. This underscores the importance of providing opportunities for all youth, regardless of their background.

“There is not enough words to describe how grateful I am to be the top recipient of this years scholarship. This scholarship will help me fulfill my dreams, and impact the lives of the people around me. Again, thank you for believing in me.”
Bailey Jade Dexter
2024 Believe in Me Scholarship Recipient

The Impact of Educational Support on Marginalized Youth

As Bailey prepares to embark on this next chapter of her academic and professional journey, we are reminded of the transformative power of education and community support. Her story vividly illustrates how young individuals can overcome significant obstacles and contribute positively to society with the right opportunities and support. Through her aspirations and achievements, Bailey Dexter represents the ideals of Believe in Me and inspires us all to believe in the potential within each marginalized child to rise, thrive, and make a lasting impact on the world.

A Pledge for Progress: The Continued Support for Aspiring Young Minds

In supporting Bailey and other deserving recipients, Believe in Me continues to champion the aspirations of marginalized youth, fostering an environment where dreams are nurtured and realized. Our commitment to these young individuals goes beyond financial assistance; it’s about instilling confidence, hope, and the belief that despite their challenges, their dreams are valid, achievable, and worthy of support. Bailey’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative impact of collective support and belief in potential.

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