Category: Our Mission

Little Kid Sleeping

Sleep Quality: Making It A Priority For A Better Life

Research shows time and again that sleep significantly impacts cognitive performance, vocabulary acquisition, learning, and memory. Sleep also significantly affects growth, especially in early infancy, where sleeping is necessary for memory consolidation and motor skill development. Read More

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young activist

Youth Day: Improving Youth People Lives Around The World

Every year, the International Youth Day celebration has a different focus. The annual topics have varied greatly, from youth civic engagement, young building peace, transforming education, and engagement in global action to this year’s topic: intergenerational solidarity. Read More

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Human Trafficking UN

Human Trafficking: Giving Second Chances To Those Who Need It

Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of people through force, fraud, or deception, intending to exploit them for profit. As a community, we can’t ignore that even the places where we live can be connections for the traffickers to get to other states. Read More

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