
Nelly Ahadi’s Inspiring Journey from Challenges to Scholarship Triumph with Believe in Me

In the heart of every aspiring student lies a story of dreams, resilience, and the pursuit of success. Today, we are thrilled to celebrate the remarkable journey of Nelly Ahadi, a beacon of determination and hope in the face of life’s challenges. From her humble beginnings to her unwavering commitment to higher education and community service, Nelly’s journey is a testament to her indomitable spirit. Join us as we delve into the inspiring saga of Nelly Ahadi, a young woman who embodies the true essence of perseverance and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

About Believe in Me

Believe in Me stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment in the landscape of youth development and education. With a mission that transcends simple assistance, our organization is deeply committed to nurturing the dreams and aspirations of young minds. We understand that every child, regardless of their background, holds immense potential. This belief drives our efforts to reach out, particularly to those from marginalized communities, ensuring that opportunities for growth and learning are not limited by socioeconomic barriers.

The Scholarship Program

The Believe in Me scholarship program stands as a cornerstone of our organization’s dedication to fostering growth and success in young individuals. This program is meticulously crafted to recognize and nurture those who demonstrate not only academic prowess but also the potential to positively impact their communities. We understand that true excellence transcends beyond grades; it is also reflected in one’s resilience, ability to overcome adversity, and commitment to societal betterment.

Our selection process is comprehensive, ensuring a level playing field for all candidates. It involves a careful review of each applicant’s academic record, extracurricular activities, community service, and personal experiences. This holistic approach ensures that we support well-rounded individuals who are poised to become leaders and changemakers in their communities.

Announcing the Winner – Nelly Ahadi

Nelly Ahadi is not just a scholarship recipient; she is a symbol of unwavering determination, resilience, and inspiration. Her selection as one of our scholarship recipients is a recognition of her exceptional journey and the qualities she embodies. Nelly stands as a beacon of hope, perfectly embodying the core values and spirit of Believe in Me. Her story is not just one of academic achievement but also of overcoming personal challenges and steadfastly pursuing her dreams. Her dedication to her goals and her unwavering commitment to better herself, her family, and her community make her an exemplary figure for our program and an inspiration to all who aspire to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

Nelly’s Journey and Aspirations

Nelly Ahadi’s journey is a testament to her resilience and determination. Raised in a household below the poverty line and as an African American immigrant, Nelly faced numerous challenges on her path to success. However, her determination to create a better future for herself and her family has been unwavering.

Nelly’s commitment to education and personal growth led her to Spokane Community College (SCC), where she has achieved an impressive GPA of 3.90. Nelly’s dreams extend beyond SCC, as she aspires to attend Eastern Washington University in Cheney, WA, to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Her long-term goal is to open a mental health clinic in her home country in Africa, where she can provide crucial support to those in need.

Student Quote

In her own words, Nelly shares, “My lifelong goal is to gain more knowledge… to study psychology while being a successful person with a positive attitude. I want to become a hard-working woman who strives to achieve many tasks set before me. Also, I want my life to revolve around my family. Once I complete university, my main goal is to own a successful clinic in my country and help people like me be heard and have a voice to speak for themselves. I have chosen this path because I wanted to be the first person in my family to graduate from college and make it easier for my younger siblings.”

Nelly Ahadi - 2023 Believe in Me Scholarship Recipient
Nelly Ahadi - 2023 Believe in Me Scholarship Recipient

Academic Recommendation

According to Brittney Richards, who has been a witness to Nelly’s incredible journey, “Nelly’s ability to speak three languages and her experience as an immigrant navigating the U.S. education system, including challenging placement tests, highlights her extraordinary determination. Despite the difficulties, Nelly never wavered. In the past year alone, she has assumed multiple leadership roles, including serving as a peer mentor for Gear Up, holding the position of vice president in the Black Student Union, and acting as the secretary for the International Student Club. Nelly’s resilience and resourcefulness shine through, leaving no doubt that she is destined for success.”

Personal Recommendation

Lee Allen also wholeheartedly affirms Nelly’s character, stating, “Nelly’s unwavering drive and laser-focused approach to her goals are truly exceptional. Her strong moral compass and values align seamlessly with her ambitions. She consistently seeks feedback to enhance both her academic and personal growth. It’s undeniable that Nelly has not only earned but fully deserves this scholarship.”

The Impact of the Scholarship

The scholarship awarded to Nelly Ahadi signifies much more than mere financial support; it is a transformative instrument in her educational journey and personal development. This scholarship not only alleviates the financial burden associated with higher education but also serves as a validation of her efforts and aspirations. It is a tangible recognition of her hard work, resilience, and potential, fueling her drive to excel further in her studies.


Our heartfelt thanks go out to a constellation of individuals and organizations whose contributions have been the backbone of this scholarship’s success. To our generous sponsors, your financial support has been the lifeblood that fuels these dreams to fruition. Our committee members, whose dedication and discerning judgment in the selection process ensure the most deserving candidates like Nelly are celebrated. We also acknowledge our invaluable partners, whose collaboration extends the reach and impact of our mission. Your collective belief in the transformative power of education has not only changed the trajectory of Nelly’s life but also serves as a beacon of hope for many others who dare to dream.

Call to Action

Our journey at Believe in Me is not just about awarding scholarships; it’s about building a community that uplifts and supports each other. Your role in this journey can be transformative. By applying for a scholarship, you open doors to new possibilities and dreams. As a volunteer, your time and skills can directly impact the lives of aspiring students, guiding them toward a brighter future. Your contributions, whether financial or in kind, help us extend our reach, ensuring that more deserving individuals like Nelly Ahadi can pursue their educational and career aspirations. Together, let’s create a world where every dream has the support it needs to become a reality.


Nelly Ahadi’s journey is a powerful call to action for us all to contribute to a world that embraces and encourages the aspirations and achievements of its youth. Her story is an emblem of hope and possibility for every young person facing similar challenges. As we reflect on her story, let’s commit ourselves to fostering an environment where such potential can be realized, where dreams are nurtured, and where every young mind is given the opportunity to excel. Nelly’s journey is a powerful reminder that with determination and the right support, anyone can overcome adversity and achieve their dreams.

Get to know more about Believe in Me and Help a Kid Today

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